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My Child's Acne Is Causing Self-Esteem Issues: Can You Help?

 My Child's Acne Is Causing Self-Esteem Issues: Can You Help?

The effects of acne can be more than skin-deep for kids in their adolescent years. Breakouts and blackheads may impact your teen’s self-confidence and even lead to bullying, no matter how common the condition may be among their peers.

In severe cases, bullying and low self-esteem due to chronic acne lead to long-term emotional problems, including anxiety and depression. It can negatively impact your child’s performance and enjoyment during school, hobbies, and social situations.

Dr 2 Kids, Smita Tandon MD works with you and your teen to develop a personalized treatment plan to manage their acne. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to hormonal acne, so we use a broad scope of strategies to promote healthy skin from the inside out. 

Why do teens struggle with acne?

While acne can occur at any age, its first appearance is typically during puberty. Hormonal changes associated with adolescence can cause an increase in skin oil, medically known as sebum.

Excess sebum combines with dead skin cells and clogs pores. Clogged or blocked pores may show up as either open blackheads or closed whiteheads. Bacteria that occur naturally on the skin can get trapped in the pores, triggering infection. 

Painful, inflamed acne is a sign of a bacterial infection that likely requires medical intervention to resolve. Without treatment, severe acne can leave visible scars that may cause self-esteem issues for your child later in life.

How to support your child through acne

While acne may or may not clear up on its own when your child reaches adulthood, the emotional impact of low self-esteem and bullying can be lifelong. The best way to provide parental support is by listening and taking their concerns about acne seriously. 

The earlier you bring your teen to see Dr. Tandon and the team, the sooner they can start to feel confident in themselves again. We evaluate their overall health, diet, and hygiene habits to determine the best treatment plan. 

After an assessment, Dr. Tandon may suggest dietary or lifestyle changes to rule out any underlying factors that could be causing your teen’s acne. She can also recommend products for cleansing and acne control that are geared towards their specific skin type and symptoms.

Here are more ways you can help your child deal with acne during their teen years:

Don’t overdo the encouragement

If you haven’t already noticed, teenagers can be stubborn and resist nagging  or repeated demands from their parents. Studies confirm that daily reminders to use acne treatment generally backfire and cause kids to avoid it as a perceived “chore.”

Maintain a low-stress environment at home

The hormonal upheavals that happen during adolescence can make your teen’s life seem dramatic and stressful. This stress alone can be enough to cause acne to flare up. Creating a calm, safe space at home can help your child relax and get away from the worries of the world.

Let your teen take the lead

Kids develop their independence during their teenage years. A one-on-one conversation between your teen and Dr. Tandon can help us gain valuable insight regarding their acne treatment. When your teen takes responsibility for their own skin care, they’re more likely to follow through with it long-term.

If your child’s acne is causing self-esteem issues, Dr 2 Kids, Smita Tandon MD, can help. Call or click online to schedule a consultation at our Fountain Valley, California, office today.

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