Most Common Summertime Injuries — And When You Should Seek Help

Every parent wants their children to make the most of summer, enjoying beautiful weather, having fun with their friends, and making memories they’ll remember for a lifetime. Unfortunately, part of their time in the sun can result in an injury or two.
Smita Tandon, MD, and her team at Dr 2 Kids in Fountain Valley, California, stand ready to help you and your child when a problem arises. But they would rather your child not get injured in the first place. In this blog, Dr. Tandon goes over the most common summertime injuries, how you can help safeguard your child, and when you should seek help.
Water activities
The summer is the best time to enjoy the water, whether it’s at a pool or beach and whether it’s swimming or boating. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points out that drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for children aged 1-4. Every day, three children die in the United States because of drowning.
Prevention and vigilance are the keys to your child’s safety. Start with formal swimming lessons for your children at an early age. Their ability to swim and respect water could be the difference between summer fun and disaster.
Follow up with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training for yourself. Your fast and informed response may make the difference. Never leave children unsupervised when they’re near water. Drowning accidents happen remarkably quickly. If you have a pool, protect all children in your neighborhood by limiting access to the water with secure fencing.
If your child or another child shows signs of having been under the water for too long, get help immediately. Signs may include vomiting, chest pain, abdominal swelling, and shortness of breath.
Playgrounds and bicycles
Picking the right playground may be the difference between minor bumps and bone breaks. The safety of contemporary playground equipment far exceeds the versions of even a decade ago, but trips and falls still happen as growing bodies adapt to longer limbs and changing centers of gravity. Choosing a playground built around a mulch or recycled tire base can provide a more forgiving surface when the inevitable occurs.
Bicycles accidents account for 400,000 emergency room visits annually. Arm and leg injuries are the most common, but head injuries cause the most damage. Make helmets mandatory for your child and be sure they know the rules of road safety.
If your child or another child breaks a bone or appears to have, is bleeding heavily, is in extreme pain, or is unconscious, get help immediately. If you’re not sure, contact a medical professional or call 911.
Younger kids tend to suffer more scald burns from hot food or spilled water. Flash burns affect more teens when they play with fireworks or around campfires. Both types of burns can range from minor to serious, so treatment can range from home care to emergency room visits. Supervision and education are, once again, your best preventive methods.
Burns can be difficult to assess if you’re not a medical professional. It’s likely best to seek care right away in all cases. You should seek help immediately if the burn is bigger than two inches or is on the face, scalp, hands, genitals, or on the skin covering a joint.
If your child has been injured and you want quality follow-up care, or if you want to learn more ways to protect your child, book an appointment online or over the phone with Dr 2 Kids today.
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