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Is There Help for My Child’s Problematic Acne?

While people of any age can develop acne, it’s a common problem through the teen years, as your child goes through the changes of adolescence. While the process of acne is understood, it’s not known why some children have more severe acne than others. 

Regardless of the severity, there are many ways to get this annoying skin condition under control, though it may take some trial and error or a combination of treatments for your child’s outbreaks. 

If home care isn’t producing the results you expect, enlist the help of the acne specialists at Dr 2 Kids, Smita Tandon, M.D. Dr. Tandon and her team can review your child’s skin care regimen and add additional help with prescription-strength medications. 

Understanding acne

Acne results when hair follicles become clogged with skin oils and dead skin cells, resulting in ideal conditions for bacterial growth and the formation of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. While the process is the same for everyone, some children experience more skin oil production or skin cell shedding than others, so some have severe acne while others have little to no problem. 

Acne isn’t a hygiene problem. Overwashing can actually make acne worse by irritating the skin. Greasy foods and chocolate also get a bad rap as acne contributors, but their contribution is minimal at best. Cosmetics don’t cause acne, but oil-based products might aggravate clogged follicles. 

Help for your child’s problematic acne

Managing aggressive acne could require a skin care routine with many components, each contributing to the improvement of the overall condition. There are steps you can take with over-the-counter acne products as well as those requiring prescription medications under the supervision of Dr. Tandon. 

Acne care tips

Acne is persistent, so when it’s problematic, your response must be persistent too. Establish a daily routine for your child and follow up with them until all steps become a habit. 

Dr. Tandon can add prescription-strength medications to address various aspects of your child’s acne outbreak. These may take the form of oral or topical medicines. 

Oral solutions may include antibiotics if high levels of bacteria contribute to acne, while topical ointments may be antibiotic, retinoid, salicylic acid, or other formulations. 

Any level of acne is a problem if your child is bothered by its appearance. Contact Dr 2 Kids, Smita Tandon, M.D. when you need additional help controlling acne outbreaks. You can book an appointment by phone or online, and Dr. Tandon accepts Telehealth appointments. Arrange a consultation today. 

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