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Autism Specialist

Smita Tandon, MD

Pediatrician located in Fountain Valley, CA

The complexities of autism can feel overwhelming for a parent. At her Fountain Valley, California, pediatric practice, Smita Tandon, MD, and her dedicated staff offer early intervention screenings and long-term autism management services to help children recognize their strengths and manage their challenges successfully. Dr. Tandon ensures you and your family have the resources you need to address autism-related issues, such as learning disabilities, and is with you every step of the way for all your questions and concerns. Schedule a consultation today, online or by phone, to learn more about autism services.

Autism Q&A

What is autism?

Autism is a range of conditions that affect a child’s speech, behaviors, and social skills. Each child with autism has a unique set of challenges that influence how they think, learn, and solve problems. Some may be very skilled in learning and adapting to life, while others face more severe challenges.

Environmental factors and genetics are the biggest influences in the development of autism. In many cases, signs of autism begin developing in children 2-3 years old. However, some developmental delays can be seen in infancy.

What are the signs and symptoms of autism?

Because signs of autism vary so greatly, it’s important to make notes about any concerns you have. Some children without autism may show signs relating to the condition, and only a skilled pediatrician, like Dr. Tandon, can confirm a diagnosis.

Common signs and symptoms of autism include:

  • Limited eye contact
  • Lack of facial expression
  • Limited or no gesturing
  • Lack of response to name
  • Not much effort to babble or speak

As children with autism get older, signs may be more noticeable. They may prefer to be alone and act out when their environment or routine changes. They may develop related behavior issues, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or struggle in school due to learning disabilities.

Some children with autism repeat certain behaviors, such as spinning around, flapping arms, or rocking back and forth. They may also react intensely to different sounds, colors, and tastes and may become more sensitive to light.

While these signs may not indicate an autism diagnosis, you should schedule an evaluation if your child displays any of these or other concerning behaviors.

What treatments are available for autism?

While there’s no cure for autism, early intervention can ensure your child and your family are able to cope with your child’s behaviors and accommodate their needs.

Dr. Tandon and her team evaluate your child’s overall health and request screenings to better understand your child’s challenges. Based on this information, she creates a care plan that includes your child’s growth at home, at school, and in other social environments.

Dr. Tandon even coordinates care with your child’s daycare or school to ensure everyone is working together to help your child thrive. She provides resources to address learning disabilities and developmental delays, so your child can enjoy the highest quality of life.

Find out more about diagnosing autism by calling the office or by booking an appointment online today.