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Vaccines Specialist

Smita Tandon, MD

Pediatrician located in Fountain Valley, CA

Routine vaccines are one of the most important preventive care services you can choose for your child. At her Fountain Valley, California, pediatric practice, Smita Tandon, MD, and her experienced team offer all necessary vaccinations for children and adolescents to prevent complications from a number of contagious diseases, including measles and hepatitis. If you have concerns or questions about the safety of vaccines, schedule a consultation with Dr. Tandon, by phone or online, to get answers today.


What vaccines does my child need?

Vaccines are recommended starting soon after birth and should continue into young adulthood. Dr. Tandon offers all necessary vaccinations and follows the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She schedules the vaccines based on your child’s needs and health history.

Childhood vaccines your child needs will provide protection from diseases like:

  • Polio
  • Mumps
  • Tetanus
  • Measles
  • Chickenpox
  • Hepatitis A and B

Dr. Tandon also offers seasonal flu shots to protect against the spread of influenza. For older children, a vaccine is available to protect them from human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease that can increase the risk of cervical cancer.

Are vaccinations safe?

All vaccinations are thoroughly tested for safety and effectiveness before being made available. The goal of treatment is to introduce weakened or dead strains of certain diseases to the body to build up the defense system.

Children receive vaccines starting from a very young age because their immune system is still developing. Many vaccines are given in multiple doses to ensure sufficient protection.

Without vaccinations, your child may be at risk for the many health complications of contagious disease, including organ damage and life-threatening symptoms.

Vaccines offer very minimal risk for side effects. Your child may have some tenderness or bruising in the injection site immediately after the vaccination, but can otherwise expect to return to their usual activities without any downtime.

When does my child receive vaccinations?

Typically, Dr. Tandon provides vaccinations during routine health checkups. She determines which vaccine your child needs based on their age and medical history.

In some cases, allergies or other health issues prevent children from receiving vaccinations. When this is the case, Dr. Tandon can create an alternative care plan to reduce your child’s risk for exposure to infection and the development of a disease.

Your child may also need additional vaccinations if you plan to travel with them outside of the country. There are several diseases, including typhoid and yellow fever, that are uncommon in the United States, but still affect people in other countries.

Dr. Tandon can review your child’s health and immunization records during your appointment. If your child has missed any vaccinations, she can create a schedule to catch them up-to-date and ensure they are fully protected.

To learn more about available vaccines or to schedule an annual physical, call the office directly or use the convenient online booking feature today.